This page presents other evidence of my professional capacity in computer science as required for the ICS Ph.D. Portfolio. This includes all forms of research, teaching, and service to the community and discipline, including professional vita of employment, professional presentations, reviewing of papers for conferences and journals, competitive fellowships or other external funding awards, patents, teaching, service on committees or as graduate student representatives, and letters of reference.
Graded assignments, answered questions offline and online using Piazza, and lectured.
Designed a Github project which serves to assist the supervisor and I to organize, track and maintain the sensor infrastructure and associated thermal comfort projects. The project bridges electrical engineers, computer scientists, and School of Architecture students research work, in particular facilitating knowledge transfer given the fast turnover due to student graduation. More information can be found over the project’s website.
Designed a Github project incubator which served to assist faculty and I to host, mentor, track and collaborate 17 independent studies, honors presentations, and capstones at both undergraduate and master’s student level. Students are both from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and the University of Maryland. The various sub-projects share the same goal of my PhD dissertation to predict software vulnerabilities, but range in nature based on student’s interest. More information can be found under the project’s README.
Created a model of an attack surface between military drone communication by inserting a ‘liar’ script at the communication boundary using OpenUxAS, developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory. Poster
NASA Ames Research Center Summer 2018 Poster Symposium. August, 2018. Mountain View, CA. Poster
Intel Dev Jam and NIPS Co-Hosted Event. December, 2017. Long Beach, CA. Slides
Intel Montreal Student Ambassador Forum. October, 2017. Montreal, Canada. Slides
Master’s Defense. March 15th, 2016. Honolulu, HI. Slides
Program Committee Member for International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2019.
Program Committee Member for International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2018.
External Reviewer for Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS). August 26th, 2018.
External Reviewer for EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Conference.
Intel Nervana AI Student Ambassador.
Treasurer of HKN Delta Omega (2016-2017) - IEEE Honor Society’s Chapter in Hawai’i
Volunteer member of Science Without Borders Network.
Founder and Chair of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter, featured in XRDS Vol 18, No. 1.
Volunteer member of Open Knowledge Brazil.
Volunteer member of Code for Hawaii.
I waive my FERPA rights for the recommendation letters. The letters will be submitted by my Chairperson, Rick Kazman, in a separate e-mail from my portfolio URL submission on the same day.
More details can be found on my CV.